Adulting at Disney

Friday Fives ... Adulting at Disney Destinations

Friday Fives ... Adulting at Disney Destinations

Adulting is rough. There are bills to pay; appointments to keep; kids’ schedules to maintain; older parents to care for; and the 9-to-5 grind. With all this responsibility, it’s no wonder that we adults like to let loose and find, for a moment in time, the carefree whimsy we enjoyed as kids. For us and many other adults, that means vacationing at Disney Destinations.

You may have heard about the recent controversy related to adults visiting Walt Disney World without children. Obviously, we wholeheartedly disagree. There is so much to experience at Walt Disney World and Disneyland, and on Disney Cruise Line WITHOUT children. We’ll admit, sometimes, it’s better to visit without them! Please continue reading for our top five list of things to enjoy at Disney Destinations … sans your little ones.