Walt Disney World Park Tickets

All About … Walt Disney World Park Tickets

All About … Walt Disney World Park Tickets

One of the questions we get asked the most by clients, family members and friends is … how many days should I spend in the parks during my upcoming Walt Disney World trip? Well, that depends on resolving a few matters not the least bit limited to: the number of days you can devote to the overall vacation in accordance with your work and school schedules; determining your family’s interests and preferences; and pinpointing your family’s vacation style.

After those fundamental questions are answered, the subsequent question is… which type of park ticket should I buy? Of course, the answer is as unique as each family visiting Walt Disney World. But, we can tell you that there are three types of tickets - base, Park Hopper and Park Hopper Plus Option. Today on the blog, we’re covering the basics regarding these ticket types to identify the one that meets your individual family’s needs.